Congratulations to Evie Lynch for making the 100 Point Club!
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
100 points
Malta ISD Board of Trustees is seeking a replacement to fill a Malta ISD Board of Trustee position vacated in August 2024. If you would like more information about submitting an application to serve on the Malta ISD Board of Trustees, please contact Stacy Starrett by calling 903-667-2950 or by email at Applications can be picked up and turned in to the Malta ISD office between the hours of 7:30-3:45 Monday - Thursday. The Board will take applications through October 17, 2024.
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
Don't forget Fall Yearbook pictures are tomorrow! Proofs will be sent home. No need to send money tomorrow.
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
No school on Monday!
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
Labor Day
Fall picture day is Tuesday!
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
fall pictures
Don't forget our first Booster Club meeting is tomorrow! Please make plans to attend and help make our yearly carnival a success.
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
booster meeting
Our first Booster Club meeting is next Wednesday! Please make plans to attend and help make our yearly carnival a success.
4 months ago, Malta Elementary
booster meeting
We are so excited to start the 24-25 school year tomorrow! A few notes about the first day of school! 🚗 Doors open at 7:15. For PK4-6, Staff will be located in the gym each morning to ensure each student gets to where they need to be. For student safety, it is important for you to drop off ONLY in the back. PK3 drop off is in the circle drive. Staff will meet you at your car to take students to class. 🍕Daily breakfast and lunch menus can be found at or on our app. Tomorrow's lunch is Steak Fingers (PK3-6) or Poprcorn Chicken (K-6) 📝If you have not completed online registration, please do so ASAP! If you need assistance, the office staff can help you. 🚙School hours are 7:45-3:45. PK3-K may be picked up at 3 at the gym doors. Carline is behind the school at the gym.
5 months ago, Malta Elementary
first day
All students are required to complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application at Returning students can login using contact information from last year. If you are a new student, create an account. You will need to select Texarkana as your school district. If you have questions, please email Allow 24 hours for a response.
5 months ago, Malta Elementary
We can't wait to see our students tonight! If you have a sibling in a different grade, they may come at the same time. Please park in the back.
5 months ago, Malta Elementary
meet the teacher
Online registration is now available for NEW and RETURNING students. Returning Students: Visit our Parent Portal and use the same email address from last year to complete registration for the 24-25 school year. Information on how to enroll a new student is available at For assistance, please email Please allow 24 hours for a response.
5 months ago, Malta Elementary
Be sure to stop and check this out at Meet the Teacher!
5 months ago, Malta Elementary
title 1 parent meeting
Malta ISD 2024-2025 School Supply List The Malta Booster Club has bought all consumable school supplies. This is all thanks to your contribution to our annual Fall Carnival, auction and raffle ticket sales. Any remaining supplies your child will need can be found at Please put your child's name on all supllies and jackets!
6 months ago, Malta Elementary
school supplies
Teacher letters are being mailed today! Be on the lookout for yours in the next few days. If you don't receive one by next week, please call the school. We are looking forward to starting the 2024-2025 school year soon!
6 months ago, Malta Elementary
meet the teacher
Malta ISD will be closed the week of July 1-5.
6 months ago, Malta Elementary
school closed
7 months ago, Malta Elementary
staar scores
Fifth grade graduated from the Bowie County Sheriff's BASE Program. Thank you Officer Mark Shermer for educating our students!
8 months ago, Malta Elementary
base graduation
Our Kindergarten Stars stole the show last night! Congratulations to each of our little Eagles!
8 months ago, Malta Elementary
kinder graduation
kinder graduation
Come celebrate our Kindergarten Stars tonight! Please park in the back and enter through the gym.
8 months ago, Malta Elementary
kinder graduation
Parking will be available in the back. Everyone must enter through the gym. The bus will run after the second program.
8 months ago, Malta Elementary
awards ceremony