Once again, the Malta Booster Club is able to supply all consumable school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year! We are so thankful for the support our parents give our students and Booster Club. Please see below for any additional supplies your child may need for the upcoming school year!
Pre-Kindergarten 3
1: Backpack (standard sized)
1: Water bottle
1: Nap mat
1: 1 blanket/towel
$10.00 for extra room supplies such as Art and cooking activities (Cash or check made out to teacher)
Pre-Kindergarten 4
1: Nap Mat and towel or mat cover
1: Backpack-Large (folder must fit easily in backpack)
1: 8-1/2 X 5-1/2 Supply Box
1: Reusable Water bottle/jug (This will be used all year long for your child to drink out of so make sure they can
open and close the lid easily).
$10.00 for extra room supplies such as Art and cooking activities (Cash or check made out to teacher)
1: Backpack
1: Headphones- No Earbuds please
1: Reusable Water Bottle
1: Plastic school box
$5.00 additional room supplies & cooking supplies (Cash or check made out to teacher)
First Grade
2 : Headphones-No Earbuds please
Second Grade
1: Headphone- No Earbuds please
1: Pencil bag
Third Grade
1: Headphones
1: Rubbermaid plastic box w/lid (6 qt. Sterlite or Rubbermaid)
Fourth Grade
1: Headphones or earbuds
1: Pencil box
Fifth Grade
1: Headphones or earbuds
1: Wireless mouse
1: Small pencil box OR bag
Sixth Grade
1: Headphones or earbuds
1: 1.5-inch binder with clear covers
1: Wireless mouse
1: Clipboard